Tower Pharma

Medical Weight Loss


Transform your health with our medical weight loss solution, a science-backed approach for effective and lasting results.

treatment of weight loss with tower meds

Proven Technique

Caloric Deficit: Weight loss is attainable through a modest calorie deficit, achieved by reducing intake and increasing physical activity.

Nutrient-Rich Diet: Emphasize nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to ensure essential vitamin and mineral intake.

Mindful Eating: Practice mindful eating by paying attention to portion sizes, savoring each bite, and avoiding distractions during meals.

Self-Monitoring: Stay accountable with self-monitoring techniques such as keeping a food diary, tracking activity, and monitoring progress for continual improvement.


Embark on a groundbreaking weight loss journey with our medical-grade solution, semaglutide, formulated with 2.5 mg/ml in a 2 ml vial (5mg total). This FDA-approved product, manufactured by an FDA-licensed drug manufacturer, utilizes straight semaglutide base form (no salts) and comes with a Drug Master File API. Shipped non-refrigerated and with an 8-month shelf life, SEMAGLUTIDE is a ready-to-use formula that ships the same day if your script is in by 4 pm EST. We currently ship to all states except CA.

Premium Results

Witness accelerated fat metabolism with Semaglutide, a key component of Tower Pharma premium weight loss solution. Experience noticeable reductions in body fat as your metabolism is optimally primed for efficient calorie burning.

Curated by Tower Meds, semaglutide aids in appetite control and promotes lasting satiety. Enjoy reduced cravings and improved adherence to a controlled calorie intake, which are vital for successful weight management.

Elevate your fitness journey with Semaglutide, fostering lean muscle mass development. This not only enhances your physique but also boosts your metabolism, supporting sustainable weight maintenance.

With expert guidance and consultation from registered dietitians under Tower Meds’ umbrella, Semaglutide facilitates personalized nutrition plans. This ensures alignment with your unique needs and health conditions during your weight loss journey.

How the Semaglutide Program works:

The program includes an initial consultation with your practitioner, body composition assessments at the beginning and end, all required Semaglutide medication, 20 weekly weigh-in sessions, and optional upgrades you can choose from.

Optional Upgrades:
–  Bio-Boost injections: These enhance fat burning when combined with B-12. (Cost: $XXX)
–  Bio-Boost + 2 Level 1 of NAD+: This combination is proven to boost metabolism, increase energy, aid in weight loss, restore muscle function, and improve mood and appearance. (Cost: $XXX)

Have questions?
We have answers

Medical weight loss is a physician-supervised approach combining personalized dietary plans, physical activity guidance, behavioral counseling, and, if needed, medications or surgery. It stands out by providing a comprehensive, evidence-based, and individualized approach under the supervision of healthcare professionals, such as those at Tower Meds

GLP-1 agonists such as semaglutide are beneficial for controlling blood sugar levels and often lead to weight loss. These medications work by slowing down the emptying of the stomach, which is known as gastric emptying. Additionally, Semaglutide not only stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas but also inhibits a hormone called glucagon, which would otherwise prompt the liver to release sugar. These combined effects help reduce hunger, leading to decreased food intake and more significant weight loss.

Some medical weight loss programs may include prescription medications. These are prescribed under professional supervision, with potential side effects varying. Discuss the risks and benefits with your healthcare provider, and use medications as directed.

Currently, semaglutide is FDA-approved for treating obesity and aiding in blood sugar control for individuals with type-2 diabetes, as well as for lowering the risk of major cardiovascular events in those with both type-2 diabetes and heart disease. If you’re using Semaglutide for these approved purposes, you’ll follow your healthcare provider’s instructions as it’s used to manage chronic conditions. However, if you don’t have type-2 diabetes and are considering semaglutide for weight loss, the long-term safety will be better understood once the FDA reviews the data for this new indication. Studies have shown that participants received treatment for about 68 weeks (approximately 1.5 years) in each of the four trials conducted by the company.